Well it all began as most stories do … with a Major Breakdown; I like to call it my Quarter Life Crisis. I was around 23 years old, seemingly normal, working at an events company in Central London, living for the weekends + partying my ass off. Living on autopilot, it had gotten to a point where anything was ready to trigger me… and I think I even recall it being something as trivial as, what my favourite ice cream flavour was, genuinely not knowing the answer, that led to the straw that broke the camels back. Spending the entirety of my 23 years not only having no idea who I was, but living totally unconsciously in a body, mind and spirit that had become all of a sudden alien to me.
As I was about to learn, the death of one thing is just the birth of something greater, so with that I embarked on the greatest journey of all the one inward. I was about to begin exploring every voice, every vein, every cell within me … it may sound like a poor man’s gap year and definitely less scenic but I promise there’s no greater journey to take.
As anyone whose ever travelled alone may know, it can be a frightening, vulnerable and a somewhat lonely experience at times, but it also has the power to give you a true sense of empowerment, liberation, trust and validation in yourself . Sometimes we get lost, and have to ask for directions… this is no different on the journey inwards (and I’ve asked my share fair of questions). I’ve ventured into unknown land with curiosity and excitement only to find that actually I don’t speak their language, however, nothing will stop me from ever diving into foreign lands as I know the worst way is I’ll leave with a memory.
There are some places that you’ll stay for a moment, and other you’ll hang around for a little longer, diving a little deeper, realising you do in fact understand their language and it feels right. I’ve journeyed on many different spirituals paths, searching for home only to realise I was looking for the wrong thing; you don’t embark on the journey inwards to find home but rather to create your own path.
Once I realised that, I started investing more into creating my own way; merging together spiritual practices ,meditations, teachings that I’ve learnt along the way inspiring me to create The Moonlight Goddess Gatherings.
The Moonlight Goddess Gatherings offer Magikal, Enchanting, Safe Spaces for Women to gain inspiration for their inner journeys and dive deep within themselves.
Understanding that everyone has their own spiritual journey and path to create was the driving force behind creating a safe space for others to explore theirs. Your road will be different from mine but we can meet on they way and just as travellers share tips, share routes, share wisdom, give support, be creative and have fun.
The upcoming Moonlight Goddess Gathering will take place on, Monday June 6th 2016, Join us in unleashing the Magik: http://uk.funzing.com/funz/ 2940