Many hosts setting up their Funzing experience love taking their passion or gift and teaching others. This is exactly the case of Mayte Bologna who teaches amazing Ravioli and Bread making mouth-watering experiences. We decided to ask her a few questions and get to know the person behind the Funz.
What is your Passion?
When did you discover it + What led you to perusing it?
I guess I didn’t really discover it, it’s something I’ve been doing since I was little… One day I just “realised” that it really makes me feel good and happy when people enjoys something I’ve cooked for them. It’s like giving a little piece of love, because you share your time and efforts to get a tasty, good looking (and hopefully nutritious) meal with whoever’s eating with you!
I participated in some Funzing experiences and I loved it. Specially Keiko’s sushi making class… Just one week later I made my own sushi at home!

What is the best thing about creating your workshops?
One best thing only? There’s no such thing!
What do you dream will come from your workshops (your own restaurant/masterchef)

One piece of advice for anyone wanting to pursue their passion?
Like Nike says: JUST DO IT!
One of my favourite quotes is: “He who wants, can”. And never a phrase was so true. Think about what is it that you want (to do), think what’s holding you back, then think why and how you can go around it… If you really want it, you’ll come up with something. After all, it’s not somebody else’s passion, it’s yours.